
class s1tiling.libs.steps.AbstractStep(*unused_argv, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Internal root class for all actual steps.

There are several kinds of steps:

  • FirstStep that contains information about input files

  • Step that registers an otbapplication binding

  • StoreStep that momentarilly disconnect on-memory pipeline to force storing of the resulting file.

  • AnyProducerStep that executes Python functions

  • ExecutableStep that executes external applications

  • MergeStep that operates a rendez-vous between several steps producing files of a same kind.

The step will contain information like the current input file, the current output file… and variation points starting in _do_something() to specialize by overriding them in child classes.

New methods & Specialized methods




Makes sure that steps with applications are releasing the application (no-op for this class)

Attributes and properties


Basename property will be used to generate all future output filenames.


Tells whether this step is the first of a pipeline.


Step meta data property.


Property that returns the name of the file produced by the current step.


No OTB related step requires its result to be stored on disk and to break in_memory connection by default.

property basename: str

Basename property will be used to generate all future output filenames.

property is_first_step: bool

Tells whether this step is the first of a pipeline.

property meta: Dict

Step meta data property.

property out_filename: str

Property that returns the name of the file produced by the current step.

release_app() None[source]

Makes sure that steps with applications are releasing the application (no-op for this class)

property shall_store: bool

No OTB related step requires its result to be stored on disk and to break in_memory connection by default.

However, the artificial Step produced by Store factory will force the result of the previous application(s) to be stored on disk.