
Contributors will want to test their changes against a baseline to ensure no regression appear.

S1-Tiling tests are not part of an integrated continous workflow. They are meant to be run on an on-demand basis.

At this moment we only have a single end-to-end test on S2 33NWB tile on S1 images acquired in January 2020.

The baseline

There are two ways to obtain the baseline:

  • Either we have given you an authentication token to the S3 server where we have stored the current baseline.

    In that case, thanks to MinIO client, you can:

    • first and once: register your machine to the S3 server we use

      mc config host add minio-otb https://s3.orfeo-toolbox.org/ <access-key> <secret-key> --api S3v4
    • then retrieve the baseline data thanks to

      mc cp --recursive minio-otb/s1-tiling/baseline /some/local/path

    Instead of mc, you can also use rclone – which is for instance already installed on CNES clusters.

  • Or you’ll need to first establish the baseline from a version of S1Tiliing known to work correctly, before introducing any change.

    Organise the S1 images downloaded into a directory named inputs and the results into a directory named expected.

Running the tests

S1 Tiling tests depend on pytest.

I usually execute the tests with:

SRTM_DIR=/path/to/MNT/SRTM_30_hgt pytest --cov=s1tiling --baselinedir=/path/to/tests/20200306-NR/baseline/ \
     -k 'not execute_OTB' -vvv --log-cli-level=DEBUG -o log_cli=true --capture=no --junitxml=report.xml \
     --ram 2048 2>&1 | less -R

You can see all the supported options with:

pytest --help

In particular they depend on the following options:


Directory where the baseline is.


Directory where the S2 products will be generated.


Don’t forget to clean it eventually.


Directory where the temporary files will be generated.


Don’t forget to clean it eventually.


Directory where DEM (like SRTM) files are – default value: $SRTM_DIR.


Download the input files with eodag instead of using the compressed ones from the baseline. If true, raw S1 products will be downloaded into tmpdir/inputs.