Release notes
Version 1.2.0
v1.2.0 Breaking changes
Compatibility to OTB 7.x (and even 8.x) is no longer activelly pursued. S1Tiling may work with older version of OTB, but with no guarantees. (#164).
v1.2.0 Improvements
Version 1.1.0
This version integrates 3 main improvements:
it can support DEM from any sources (Copernicus DEM, RGE Alti DEM…),
it supports OTB 8 (and OTB 9) applications (while staying backward compatible with OTB 7.4.2),
it improves the quality and the processing performances of LIA/\(σ^0_{RTC}\) NORMLIM calibration.
v1.1.0 Improvements
Improve API (separate CLI from computing functions) (#96) – contributed by CS Group FRANCE.
Support DEM files from other origins (Copernicus…). Their footprints, organization on disk… need to be deduced from a DEM database. (#18) – contributed by CS Group FRANCE.
Add support for OTB 8 applications (#105) – contributed by CS Group FRANCE.
Add support for OTB 9 applications as well (#152).
Support DEM databases in any spatial reference (they are not restricted to WGS84 anymore) (#149).
Change LIA workflow in order to minimize occurrences of artefacts in rugged areas, and to speed-up performances (#149).
Product output directory can be configured through dname_fmt.* options (#148).
Product encoding/compression options can be configured through creation_options.* options (#66).
GEOID file is also copied alongside DEM data when [Processing].cache_dem_by option is on. (#123).
v1.1.0 Bugs fixed
Noise correction post-processing shall not transform wide no-data sides from Sentinel-1 IPF 2.90+ products into minimal signal value. (#159).
v1.1.0 Breaking changes
image metadata is now in UTC format (e.g.2020:01:08T04:41:50Z
). In previous versions it used to have the same format asTIFFTAG_DATETIME
(i.e.:2020:01:08 04:41:50
Version 1.0.0
This version is a major improvement over v 0.3.x versions. A few breaking changes have been made in parameters, internal API…
v1.0.0 Improvements
This new version can automatically produce Local Incidence Angle Maps over requested S2 tiles thanks to S1LIAMap, or generate S2 products calibrated with \(σ^0_{RTC}\) NORMLIM calibration described in [Small2011]. (#56, #119).
Correctly update image metadata, and fill in particular the list of Sentinel-1
used to produce tiles, as well as the full list ofACQUISITION_DATETIME_{id}
(#25).New filters can be used to select input products: platform_list, orbit_direction, relative_orbit_list and tile_to_product_overlap_ratio. (#83, #110, #133.
Null values obtained after the optional denoising done during the calibration wil be set to a minimal signal value > 0. The objective is to keep 0 as the nodata value. (#87).
Spatial Speckle Filtering is supported (#116).
Improve the reporting of search or download failures. Also give another chance to download products after download timeouts (in case other products have successfully been downloaded afterward the last timeout) (!89 | #139)
On search timeout, S1Tiling will insist a few times (5 by default, can be overridden through CLI option). This is meant as a workaround of EODAG issue #908. (#140).
v1.0.0 Bugs fixed
Offline S1 products are now correctly detected and processed (#71, #93, #108):
their associated (and available) products won’t be used to produce a S2 product,
the final report will list the S1 products that could not be retrieved,
and the exit code exits.OFFLINE_DATA (68) will be used.
Discard download failure errors from previous tiles (#139)
Logging will be done in
mode only if required. Logging code has also been simplified and cleaned. (#132)
v1.0.0 Breaking changes
[DataSource].eodagConfig has been renamed
, to followsnake_case
. Old naming scheme is still supported, but deprecated. (#129).
Version 0.3.2
Improvements over version 0.3
v0.3.2 Improvements
Avoid downloading of already processed S1 images (#107).
Version 0.3.1
Bug fixes for version 0.3
v0.3.1 Bugs fixed
Don’t produce partial products when complete ones already exist for a given S2 tile at a requested time (#104).
Version 0.3.0
This version is a minor release with critical but non trivial fixes before version 1.0.0
v0.3.0 Improvements
Don’t remove timestamp from final products when no concatenation is done (#69). Up to now timetag was always changed to
Update to support noise removal which has been fixed in OTB 7.4.0. This processing is now disabled with prior versions of OTB (#89, #95).
handles are always closed. This avoids memory leaks from other programs that wish to use S1Tiling as a library. (!50)Permit also to filter polarisation only on
, orHH
v0.3.0 Optimizations
Version 0.2
This version is a major release where the project architecture has been completely changed to enable multiple improvements and optimizations.
v0.2 Improvements
Provide the possibility to use linear interpolation for orthorectification step
Support OTB 7.3
Various return code after execution are now provided (#72)
Improved architecture to help maintenance
Project stability has been improved
Non-regression tests has been added
OTB applications write into temporary files that are renamed after completion
Most temporary files are automatically removed
Start-over on process interruption has been fixed (#23)
to not use incomplete files
to analyse start-over situation once (#22)
Sentinel-1 products can be retrieved from many providers thanks to eodag (#7, #12)
Syntax of request configuration files been simplified (#36)
Installation can be done with
Documentation has been written
Improved logs (#2)
Multiple log files are produced.
They can be sent by mail (though configuration)
Log level are supported
A summary of the successfully of failed computations is provided.
v0.2 Bugs fixed
Fix thermnal noise usage ((#84)
Fix pylint error ((#82)
Improve the srtm tiles database to avoid to request srtm tile which don’t exist ((#81)
Work on the more complete product when there are multiple overlapping products (#47)
Multiple errors related to temporary files have been fixed (#6…)
List of requested S2 tiles syntax has been relaxed (
v0.2 Optimizations
Disk usage has been minimized: most OTB applications are chained into memory (#4, #10, #52)
This reduces stress on IO that often are a bottleneck on clusters
Dedicated and optimized OTB applications have been written for cutting and calibration
Execute only the processes that are needed to produce the requested products
Parallelization is done with dask (#11)
This permits to parallelize computations of different types
When there is only one file to concatenate, it’s simply renamed (#24).
v0.2 Breaking changes
Previous configuration files will need to be updated:
is used for option namesa few options have changed (
No script is provided yet to run S1Tiling on several nodes
Multitemporal speckle filtering has been removed from S1Tiling processing. Users have to apply their own speckle filtering, according their needs (for example with OTB applications OTBDespeckle or with remote modules OTBMultitempFilterOutcore and OTBMultitempFilterFiltering)
The config key srtm_shapefile is no more available to users.