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.. _CNES: .. index:: HAL .. index:: TREX Some specificities about CNES clusters ====================================== .. contents:: Contents: :local: :depth: 3 Using S1Tiling Lmod module on HAL/TREX -------------------------------------- S1Tiling is already installed on HAL and TREX (since June 2023). It's available through `Lmod `_; see also HAL/TREX user guides. .. code:: bash # Use the lastest version ml s1tiling # Check versions available ml av version # Activate a specific version ml s1tiling/1.0.0-otb7.4.2 # Or... ml s1tiling/1.1.0rc1-otb9.0.0 .. note:: Only S1Tiling 1.0 will ever be installed with a dependency to OTB 7.4.2 (and Python 3.8.4 and g++ 8.2). |br| S1Tiling 1.1.0 will be installed once with a dependency to OTB 7.4.2, and once with a dependency to OTB 9. Installation on HAL/TREX ------------------------ You may prefer to install S1Tiling yourself. In that case, there are mainly two X two ways to install S1Tiling on CNES clusters. If one wants to install S1Tiling from sources instead of pipy, it could be done from the following context. Then, in later steps, use ``"${S1TILING_SRC_DIR}"`` instead of ``s1tiling`` as ``pip`` parameter. .. code:: bash # Proposed directories where it could be installed TST_DIR=/work/scratch/${USER}/S1Tiling/install S1TILING_ROOT_DIR=/work/scratch/${USER}/S1Tiling/ S1TILING_SOURCES=sources S1TILING_SRC_DIR=${S1TILING_ROOT_DIR}/${S1TILING_SOURCES} cd "${S1TILING_ROOT_DIR}" git clone git@gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org:s1-tiling/s1tiling.git ${S1TILING_SOURCES} ...from available OTB module (and w/ pip) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code:: bash ml otb/7.4.2-python3.8.4-gcc8.2 # Create a pip virtual environment python -m venv install_with_otb_module # Configure the environment with: source install_with_otb_module/bin/activate # - an up-to-date pip python -m pip install --upgrade pip # - an up-to-date setuptools==57.5.0 python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==57.5.0 # Finally, install S1Tiling from sources mkdir /work/scratch/${USER}/tmp TMPDIR=/work/scratch/${USER}/tmp/ python -m pip install s1tiling deactivate ml purge To use it .. code:: bash ml purge ml otb/7.4.2-python3.8.4-gcc8.2 source install_with_otb_module/bin/activate S1Processor requestfile.cfg deactivate ml purge .. note:: This is the approach that has been chosen by the installation script we use internally. See: :download:`install-CNES.sh <../s1tiling/resources/install-CNES.sh>` Prefer the next approach based on conda if you wish to use a different version of Python. ...from available OTB module (and w/ conda) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. note:: This approach permits to select a different version of Python, but it will be a bit more complex to correctly adjust the desired version of gdal python bindings to be exactly the same as the one used to generate OTB module. This isn't demonstrated here. .. code:: bash ml otb/7.4.2-python3.8.4-gcc8.2 # Create a conda environment ml conda conda create --prefix ./conda_install_with_otb_distrib python==3.8.4 # Configure the environment with: conda activate "${TST_DIR}/conda_install_with_otb_distrib" # - an up-to-date pip python -m pip install --upgrade pip # - an up-to-date setuptools==57.5.0 python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==57.5.0 # Finally, install S1Tiling from sources mkdir /work/scratch/${USER}/tmp TMPDIR=/work/scratch/${USER}/tmp/ python -m pip install s1tiling conda deactivate ml purge To use it .. code:: bash ml purge ml conda ml otb/7.4.2-python3.8.4-gcc8.2 conda activate "${TST_DIR}/conda_install_with_otb_distrib" S1Processor requestfile.cfg conda deactivate ml purge ...from released OTB binaries... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Given :file:`otbenv.profile` cannot be unloaded, prefer the above methods based on OTB module. First let's start by installing OTB binaries somewhere in your personal (or project) environment. .. code:: bash # Start from a clean environment ml purge cd "${TST_DIR}" # Install OTB binaries wget https://www.orfeo-toolbox.org/packages/OTB-7.4.2-Linux64.run bash OTB-7.4.2-Linux64.run # Patches gdal-config cp "${S1TILING_SRC_DIR}/s1tiling/resources/gdal-config" OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/bin/ # Patches LD_LIBRARY_PATH echo "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\"$(readlink -f OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/lib)\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}\"" >> OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/otbenv.profile .. note:: :file:`gdal-config` is either available from the sources (``${S1TILING_SRC_DIR}/s1tiling/resources/gdal-config``) or to download from :download:`here: gdal-config <../s1tiling/resources/gdal-config>`. ...and with conda ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Given the OTB binaries installed, we still need to update the Python bindings for the chosen version of Python. .. code:: bash # Create a conda environment ml conda conda create --prefix ./conda_install_with_otb_distrib python==3.8.4 # Configure the environment with: conda activate "${TST_DIR}/conda_install_with_otb_distrib" # - an up-to-date pip python -m pip install --upgrade pip # - an up-to-date setuptools==57.5.0 python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==57.5.0 # - numpy in order to compile OTB python bindinds for Python 3.8.4 pip install numpy # - gdal python bindinds shall be compatible with libgdal.so shipped w/ OTB binaries pip --no-cache-dir install "gdal==$(gdal-config --version)" --no-binary :all: # - load OTB binaries source OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/otbenv.profile # load cmake and gcc to compile the binding ml cmake gcc # And update the bindings (cd OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/ && ctest -S share/otb/swig/build_wrapping.cmake -VV) ml unload cmake gcc # Finally, install S1Tiling from sources mkdir /work/scratch/${USER}/tmp TMPDIR=/work/scratch/${USER}/tmp/ python -m pip install s1tiling conda deactivate ml purge To use it .. code:: bash ml purge ml conda conda activate "${TST_DIR}/conda_install_with_otb_distrib" source "${TST_DIR}/OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/otbenv.profile" S1Processor requestfile.cfg conda deactivate ml purge ...and with pip ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Given the OTB binaries installed, we still need to update the Python bindings for the chosen version of Python. .. code:: bash # Create a pip virtual environment ml python python -m venv install_with_otb_binaries # Configure the environment with: source install_with_otb_binaries/bin/activate # - an up-to-date pip python -m pip install --upgrade pip # - an up-to-date setuptools==57.5.0 python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools==57.5.0 # - numpy in order to compile OTB python bindinds for Python pip install numpy # - gdal python bindinds shall be compatible with libgdal.so shipped w/ OTB binaries pip --no-cache-dir install "gdal==$(gdal-config --version)" --no-binary :all: # - load OTB binaries source OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/otbenv.profile # load cmake and gcc to compile the binding ml cmake gcc # And update the bindings (cd OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/ && ctest -S share/otb/swig/build_wrapping.cmake -VV) ml unload cmake gcc # Finally, install S1Tiling from sources mkdir /work/scratch/${USER}/tmp TMPDIR=/work/scratch/${USER}/tmp/ python -m pip install s1tiling deactivate ml purge To use it .. code:: bash ml purge source install_with_otb_binaries/bin/activate source "${TST_DIR}/OTB-7.4.2-Linux64/otbenv.profile" S1Processor requestfile.cfg deactivate ml purge Executing S1 Tiling as a job ---------------------------- The theory ++++++++++ A few options deserve our attention when running S1 Tiling as a job on a cluster like HAL or TREX. .. list-table:: :widths: auto :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 * - Option - Need to know * - :ref:`[PATHS].tmp ` - Temporary files shall not be generated on the GPFS, instead, they are best generated locally in :file:`$TMPDIR`. Set this option to :file:`%(TMPDIR)s/s1tiling` for instance. .. code:: ini [PATHS] tmp : %(TMPDIR)s/s1tiling .. warning:: Of course, we shall not use :file:`$TMPDIR` when running S1 Tiling on ``visu`` nodes. Actually, we should **not** use S1 Tiling for intensive computation on nodes not dedicated to computations. * - :ref:`[PATHS].dem_dir ` - Original DEM files are stored in :file:`/work/datalake/static_aux/MNT/SRTM_30_hgt`. .. code:: ini [PATHS] dem_dir : /work/datalake/static_aux/MNT/SRTM_30_hgt * - :ref:`[Processing].cache_dem_by ` - DEM and Geoid files should be **copied** locally on :ref:`[PATHS].tmp ` instead of being symlinked over the GPFS. .. code:: ini [Processing] cache_dem_by : copy * - :ref:`[Processing].nb_otb_threads ` - This is the number of threads that will be used by each OTB application pipeline. * - :ref:`[Processing].nb_parallel_processes ` - This is the number of OTB application pipelines that will be executed in parallel. * - :ref:`[Processing].ram_per_process ` - RAM allowed per OTB application pipeline, in MB. * - PBS resources - - At this time, S1 Tiling does not support multiple and related jobs. We can have multiple jobs but they should use different working spaces and so on. This means PBS ``select`` value shall be one. - The number of CPUs should be equal to the number of threads * the number of parallel processes -- and it shall not be less than the product of these two options. - The required memory shall be greater that the number of parallel processes per the RAM allowed to each OTB pipeline. This means, that for .. code:: ini # The request file [Processing] nb_parallel_processes: 10 nb_otb_threads: 2 ram_per_process: 4096 Then the job request shall contain at least .. code:: bash #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=20:mem=40gb # always 1 for select # cpu = 2 * 10 => 20 # mem = 10 * 4096 => 40gb TL;DR: here is an example +++++++++++++++++++++++++ SLRUM job file (TREX) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --account=... #SBATCH --partition=cpu2022 # jobs < 72h #SBATCH --qos=... #SBATCH -N 1 # number of nodes (or --nodes=1) #SBATCH -n 1 # number of tasks (or --ntasks=1) #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=20 # number of cpus par task #SBATCH --mem=160G # memory per core #SBATCH --time=00:59:00 # Wall Time 59mn #SBATCH -J job-s1tiling # The number of allocated CPUs NCPUS=${SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK} # Let's use 2 threads in each OTB application pipeline export NB_OTB_THREADS=2 # Let's deduce the number of OTB application pipelines to run in parallel export NB_OTB_PIPELINES=$(($NCPUS / $NB_OTB_THREADS)) # These two variables have been exported to be automatically used from the # S1tiling request file. # Let's use an existing S1Tiling module ml s1tiling/1.1.0rc1-otb9.0.0 # Expecting S1Processor.cfg in ${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}, the logs will be # produced in a subdirectory named after the the JOB ID. WORK_DIR="${SLURM_SUBMIT_DIR}/${SLURM_JOB_ID}" mkdir -p "${WORK_DIR}" cd "${WORK_DIR}" S1Processor --cache-before-ortho ../S1Processor.cfg || { code=$? echo "Echec de l'exécution de programme" >&2 exit ${code} } PBS job file (HAL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: bash #!/bin/bash #PBS -N job-s1tiling #PBS -l select=1:ncpus=20:mem=40gb #PBS -l walltime=1:00:00 # NB: Using 5Gb per cpu # The number of allocated CPUs is in the select parameter let's extract it # automatically NCPUS=$(qstat -f "${PBS_JOBID}" | awk '/resources_used.ncpus/{print $3}') # Let's use 2 threads in each OTB application pipeline export NB_OTB_THREADS=2 # Let's deduce the number of OTB application pipelines to run in parallel export NB_OTB_PIPELINES=$(($NCPUS / $NB_OTB_THREADS)) # These two variables have been exported to be automatically used from the # S1tiling request file. # Let's use an existing S1Tiling module ml s1tiling/1.1.0rc1-otb9.0.0 # Expecting S1Processor.cfg in ${PBS_O_WORKDIR}, the logs will be # produced in a subdirectory named after the the JOB ID. WORK_DIR="${PBS_O_WORKDIR}/${PBS_JOBID}" mkdir -p "${WORK_DIR}" cd "${WORK_DIR}" S1Processor --cache-before-ortho ../S1Processor.cfg || { code=$? echo "Echec de l'exécution de programme" >&2 exit ${code} } S1 Tiling request file: :file:`S1Processor.cfg` ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code:: ini [PATHS] tmp : %(TMPDIR)s/s1tiling dem_dir : /work/datalake/static_aux/MNT/SRTM_30_hgt ... [Processing] cache_dem_by: copy # Let's use the exported environment variables thanks to "%()s" syntax nb_parallel_processes: %(NB_OTB_PIPELINES)s nb_otb_threads: %(NB_OTB_THREADS)s ram_per_process: 4096 ...