#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# =========================================================================
# Program: S1Processor
# All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2017-2024 (c) CNES.
# Copyright 2022-2024 (c) CS GROUP France.
# This file is part of S1Tiling project
# https://gitlab.orfeo-toolbox.org/s1-tiling/s1tiling
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# =========================================================================
# Authors: Thierry KOLECK (CNES)
# Luc HERMITTE (CS Group)
# =========================================================================
This modules defines the specialized Python wrappers for the OTB Applications used in
the pipeline for S1Tiling needs.
import logging
import os
import shutil
import re
from abc import abstractmethod
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union
from packaging import version
import numpy as np
from osgeo import gdal
from ..file_naming import (
ReplaceOutputFilenameGenerator, TemplateOutputFilenameGenerator,
from ..meta import (
Meta, get_task_name, in_filename, out_filename, is_running_dry,
from ..steps import (
InputList, OTBParameters,
AbstractStep, StepFactory,
FirstStep, MergeStep, _OTBStep, SkippedStep,
from ..otbpipeline import (
TaskInputInfo, fetch_input_data,
from ..otbtools import otb_version
from .. import exceptions
from .. import Utils
from ..configuration import (
dname_fmt_mask, dname_fmt_tiled, dname_fmt_filtered,
extended_filename_filtered, extended_filename_mask, extended_filename_tiled,
fname_fmt_concatenation, fname_fmt_filtered,
from ..configuration import pixel_type as cfg_pixel_type # avoid name hiding
from .helpers import does_sin_lia_match_s2_tile_for_orbit
logger = logging.getLogger('s1tiling.wrappers')
def has_too_many_NoData(image, threshold: int, nodata: Union[float, int]) -> bool:
Analyses whether an image contains NO DATA.
:param image: np.array image to analyse
:param threshold: number of NoData searched
:param nodata: no data value
:return: whether the number of no-data pixel > threshold
nbNoData = len(np.argwhere(image == nodata))
return nbNoData > threshold
def extract_IPF_version(tifftag_software: str) -> str:
Extracts a comparable IPF version number
for packaging.version.parse for instance.
match = re.search(r'Sentinel-1 IPF (\d+\.\d+)$', tifftag_software)
if not match:
logger.warning('Cannot extract IPF version from "%s"', tifftag_software)
return '000.00'
ipf_version = match.group(1)
# logger.debug(f"IPF version is {ipf_version}; {tifftag_software=!r} ")
return ipf_version
def s2_tile_extent(tile_name: str, tile_origin: Utils.Polygon, in_epsg: int, spacing: float) -> Dict:
Helper function that computes and returns contant-sized extents of S2 tiles in the
S2 tile spatial reference.
out_utm_zone = int(tile_name[0:2])
out_utm_northern = tile_name[2] >= 'N'
out_epsg = 32600 + out_utm_zone
if not out_utm_northern:
out_epsg = out_epsg + 100
x_coord, y_coord, _ = Utils.convert_coord([tile_origin[0]], in_epsg, out_epsg)[0]
lrx, lry, _ = Utils.convert_coord([tile_origin[2]], in_epsg, out_epsg)[0]
if not out_utm_northern and y_coord < 0:
y_coord += 10000000.
lry += 10000000.
sizex = int(round(abs(lrx - x_coord) / spacing))
sizey = int(round(abs(lry - y_coord) / spacing))
logger.debug("from %s, lrx=%s, x_coord=%s, spacing=%s", tile_name, lrx, x_coord, spacing)
return {
'xmin' : x_coord,
'ymin' : y_coord - sizey * spacing,
'xmax' : x_coord + sizex * spacing,
'ymax' : y_coord,
'xsize' : sizex,
'ysize' : sizey,
'epsg' : out_epsg,
'utm_zone' : out_utm_zone,
'utm_northern': out_utm_northern,
class AnalyseBorders(StepFactory):
StepFactory that analyses whether image borders need to be cut as
described in :ref:`Margins cutting` documentation.
The step produced by this actual factory doesn't register any OTB
application nor execute one.
However, it loads two lines from the input image to determine whether it
contains too many NoData.
Found information will be stored into the `meta` dictionary for later use
by :class:`CutBorders` step factory.
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
self.__override_azimuth_cut_threshold_to = cfg.override_azimuth_cut_threshold_to
def build_step_output_filename(self, meta: Meta) -> str:
Forward the output filename.
return meta['out_filename']
def build_step_output_tmp_filename(self, meta: Meta) -> str:
As there is no OTB application associated to :class:`AnalyseBorders`,
there is no temporary filename.
return self.build_step_output_filename(meta)
k_calib_convert = {'normlim' : 'beta'}
class Calibrate(OTBStepFactory):
Factory that prepares steps that run
:external:doc:`Applications/app_SARCalibration` as described in :ref:`SAR
Calibration` documentation.
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
- `calibration_type`
- `removethermalnoise`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary:
- base name -- to generate typical output filename
- input filename
- output filename
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
fname_fmt = '{rootname}_{calibration_type}_calOk.tiff'
fname_fmt = cfg.fname_fmt.get('calibration', fname_fmt)
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S1'),
gen_output_dir=None, # Use gen_tmp_dir
image_description='{calibration_type} calibrated Sentinel-{flying_unit_code_short} IW GRD',
# Warning: config object cannot be stored and passed to workers!
# => We extract what we need
# Locally override calibration type in case of normlim calibration
self.__calibration_type = k_calib_convert.get(cfg.calibration_type, cfg.calibration_type)
self.__removethermalnoise = cfg.removethermalnoise
def _update_filename_meta_pre_hook(self, meta: Meta) -> Meta:
Injects the ``calibration_type`` in step metadata.
meta['calibration_type'] = self.__calibration_type
return meta
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with :external:doc:`SARCalibration OTB
application <Applications/app_SARCalibration>`.
params : OTBParameters = {
'ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : in_filename(meta),
# self.param_out : out_filename(meta),
'lut' : self.__calibration_type,
if otb_version() >= '7.4.0':
params['removenoise'] = self.__removethermalnoise
# Don't try to do anything, let's keep the noise
params['noise'] = True
return params
class CorrectDenoising(OTBStepFactory):
Factory that prepares steps that run
:external:doc:`Applications/app_BandMath` as described in :ref:`SAR Calibration`
It requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
It requires the following information from the metadata dictionary:
- base name -- to generate typical output filename
- input filename
- output filename
- lower_signal_value
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
fname_fmt = '{rootname}_{calibration_type}_NoiseFixed.tiff'
fname_fmt = cfg.fname_fmt.get('correct_denoising', fname_fmt)
appname='BandMath', name='DenoisingCorrection', param_in='il', param_out='out',
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S1'),
gen_output_dir=None, # Use gen_tmp_dir
image_description='{calibration_type} calibrated Sentinel-{flying_unit_code_short} IW GRD with noise corrected',
self.__lower_signal_value = cfg.lower_signal_value
def complete_meta(self, meta: Meta, all_inputs: InputList) -> Meta:
Complete meta information with inputs.
meta = super().complete_meta(meta, all_inputs)
meta['inputs'] = all_inputs
return meta
def _get_inputs(self, previous_steps: List[InputList]) -> InputList:
Extract the last inputs to use at the current level from all previous
products seens in the pipeline.
This method is overridden in order to fetch N-3 "in_sar" input.
It has been specialized for S1Tiling exact pipelines.
assert len(previous_steps) > 1
# "in_sar" is expected at level -2, likelly named '__last'
in_sar = fetch_input_data('__last', previous_steps[-2])
# "in_cal" is expected at level -1, likelly named '__last'
in_cal = fetch_input_data('__last', previous_steps[-1])
inputs = [{'in_sar': in_sar, 'in_cal': in_cal}]
logging.debug("%s inputs: %s", self.__class__.__name__, inputs)
return inputs
def _get_canonical_input(self, inputs: InputList) -> AbstractStep:
Helper function to retrieve the canonical input associated to a list of inputs.
In current case, the canonical input comes from the "in_cal"
step instanciated in :func:`s1tiling.s1_process` pipeline builder.
keys = set().union(*(input.keys() for input in inputs))
assert len(keys) == 2, f'Expecting 2 inputs. {len(inputs)} is/are found: {keys}'
assert 'in_cal' in keys
return [input['in_cal'] for input in inputs if 'in_cal' in input.keys()][0]
def update_image_metadata(self, meta: Meta, all_inputs: InputList) -> None:
Set noise correction related information that'll get carried around.
super().update_image_metadata(meta, all_inputs)
assert 'image_metadata' in meta
imd = meta['image_metadata']
imd['LOWER_SIGNAL_VALUE'] = str(self.__lower_signal_value)
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with :external:doc:`BandMath OTB application
<Applications/app_BandMath>` for changing no-non-data 0.0 into lower_signal_value,
and force nodata to 0.
The nodata mask comes from the input SAR image.
Expression used: ``exp = im{sar}b1 == 0 ? 0 : im{cal}b1 == 0 ? 1e-7 : im{cal}b1``
assert 'inputs' in meta, f'Looking for "inputs" in {meta.keys()}'
inputs = meta['inputs']
# "in_sar" needs to be "im2" as _do_create_actual_step() will add extra filenames to inputlist
# after in_memory pipelines
in_cal = fetch_input_data('in_cal', inputs).out_filename
in_sar = fetch_input_data('in_sar', inputs).out_filename
params : OTBParameters = {
'ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : [in_cal, in_sar],
# self.param_out : out_filename(meta),
# 'exp' : f'im1b1==0?{self.__lower_signal_value}:im1b1'
'exp' : f'im2b1==0?0:im1b1==0?{self.__lower_signal_value}:im1b1'
return params
class CutBorders(OTBStepFactory):
Factory that prepares steps that run
:external:doc:`Applications/app_ResetMargin` as described in :ref:`Margins Cutting` documentation.
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- base name -- to generate typical output filename
- input filename
- output filename
- `cut`->`threshold.x` -- from :class:`AnalyseBorders`
- `cut`->`threshold.y.start` -- from :class:`AnalyseBorders`
- `cut`->`threshold.y.end` -- from :class:`AnalyseBorders`
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
fname_fmt = '{rootname}_{calibration_type}_OrthoReady.tiff'
fname_fmt = cfg.fname_fmt.get('cut_borders', fname_fmt)
appname='ResetMargin', name='BorderCutting',
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S1'),
gen_output_dir=None, # Use gen_tmp_dir
def create_step(
execution_parameters: Dict,
previous_steps: List[InputList]
) -> AbstractStep:
This overrides checks whether ResetMargin would cut any border.
In the likelly other case, the method returns a
:class:`s1tiling.libs.steps.SkippedStep` to say **Don't register any OTB
application and skip this step!**.
inputs = self._get_inputs(previous_steps)
inp = self._get_canonical_input(inputs)
if inp.meta['cut'].get('skip', False):
logger.debug('Margins cutting is not required and thus skipped!')
meta = self.complete_meta(inp.meta, inputs)
assert isinstance(inp, _OTBStep)
return SkippedStep(inp.app, **meta)
return super().create_step(execution_parameters, previous_steps)
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with :external:doc:`ResetMargin OTB
application <Applications/app_ResetMargin>`.
params = {
'ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : in_filename(meta),
# self.param_out : out_filename(meta),
'threshold.x' : meta['cut']['threshold.x'],
'threshold.y.start': meta['cut']['threshold.y.start'],
'threshold.y.end' : meta['cut']['threshold.y.end']
if otb_version() != '7.2.0': # From 7.3.0 onward actually
params['mode'] = 'threshold'
return params
class _OrthoRectifierFactory(OTBStepFactory):
Abstract factory that prepares steps that run
:external:doc:`Applications/app_OrthoRectification` as described in
:ref:`OrthoRectification` documentation.
This factory will be specialized for calibrated S1 images
(:class:`OrthoRectify`), or LIA and sin-LIA maps (:class:`OrthoRectifyLIA`)
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
- `out_spatial_res`
- `GeoidFile`
- `grid_spacing`
- `tmp_dem_dir`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- base name -- to generate typical output filename
- input filename
- output filename
- `manifest`
- `tile_name`
- `tile_origin`
def __init__( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
cfg : Configuration,
fname_fmt : str,
image_description: str,
extended_filename: Optional[str] = None,
pixel_type : Optional[int] = None,
) -> None:
Extract and cache configuration options.
appname='OrthoRectification', name='OrthoRectification',
param_in='io.in', param_out='io.out',
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S2', '{tile_name}'),
gen_output_dir=None, # Use gen_tmp_dir,
self.__out_spatial_res = cfg.out_spatial_res
self.__GeoidFile = os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'geoid', os.path.basename(cfg.GeoidFile))
# assert os.path.isfile(self.__GeoidFile), f"{self.__GeoidFile} doesn't exist"
self.__grid_spacing = cfg.grid_spacing
self.__interpolation_method = cfg.interpolation_method
self.__tmp_dem_dir = cfg.tmp_dem_dir
# self.__tmpdir = cfg.tmpdir
# Some workaround when ortho is not sequenced along with calibration
# (and locally override calibration type in case of normlim calibration)
self.__calibration_type = k_calib_convert.get(cfg.calibration_type, cfg.calibration_type)
def complete_meta(self, meta: Meta, all_inputs: InputList) -> Meta:
Complete meta information such as filenames, GDAL metadata from
information found in the current S1 image filename.
meta = super().complete_meta(meta, all_inputs)
# Some workaround when ortho is not sequenced along with calibration
meta['calibration_type'] = self.__calibration_type
return meta
def update_image_metadata(self, meta: Meta, all_inputs: InputList) -> None:
super().update_image_metadata(meta, all_inputs)
assert 'image_metadata' in meta
imd = meta['image_metadata']
imd['S2_TILE_CORRESPONDING_CODE'] = meta['tile_name']
imd['ORTHORECTIFIED'] = 'true'
imd['SPATIAL_RESOLUTION'] = str(self.__out_spatial_res)
# S1 -> S2 => remove all SAR specific metadata inserted by OTB
meta_to_remove_in_s2 = (
'SARCalib*', 'SAR', 'PRF', 'RadarFrequency', 'RedDisplayChannel',
'GreenDisplayChannel', 'BlueDisplayChannel', 'AbsoluteCalibrationConstant',
'AcquisitionStartTime', 'AcquisitionStopTime', 'AcquisitionDate',
'AverageSceneHeight', 'BeamMode', 'BeamSwath', 'Instrument', 'LineSpacing',
'Mission', 'Mode', 'OrbitDirection', 'OrbitNumber', 'PixelSpacing', 'SensorID',
'Swath', 'NumberOfLines', 'NumberOfColumns',
for kw in meta_to_remove_in_s2:
imd[kw] = ''
def _get_input_image(self, meta: Meta):
raise TypeError("_OrthoRectifierFactory does not know how to fetch input image")
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with :external:doc:`OrthoRectification OTB
application <Applications/app_OrthoRectification>`.
image = self._get_input_image(meta)
tile_name = meta['tile_name']
tile_origin = meta['tile_origin']
spacing = self.__out_spatial_res
extent = s2_tile_extent(tile_name, tile_origin, in_epsg=4326, spacing=spacing)
logger.debug("%s.parameters(%s) /// image: %s /// tile_name: %s",
self.__class__.__name__, meta, image, tile_name)
parameters = {
'opt.ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : image,
# self.param_out : out_filename,
'interpolator' : self.__interpolation_method,
'outputs.spacingx' : spacing,
'outputs.spacingy' : -spacing,
'outputs.sizex' : extent['xsize'],
'outputs.sizey' : extent['ysize'],
'opt.gridspacing' : self.__grid_spacing,
'map' : 'utm',
'map.utm.zone' : extent['utm_zone'],
'map.utm.northhem' : extent['utm_northern'],
'outputs.ulx' : extent['xmin'],
'outputs.uly' : extent['ymax'], # ymax, not ymin!!!
'elev.dem' : self.__tmp_dem_dir,
'elev.geoid' : self.__GeoidFile
return parameters
class OrthoRectify(_OrthoRectifierFactory):
Factory that prepares steps that run
:external:doc:`Applications/app_OrthoRectification` as described in
:ref:`OrthoRectification` documentation.
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
- `out_spatial_res`
- `GeoidFile`
- `grid_spacing`
- `tmp_dem_dir`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- base name -- to generate typical output filename
- input filename
- output filename
- `manifest`
- `tile_name`
- `tile_origin`
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
Extract and cache configuration options.
fname_fmt = '{flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{polarisation}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_time}_{calibration_type}.tif'
fname_fmt = cfg.fname_fmt.get('orthorectification', fname_fmt)
if otb_version() < '8.0.0':
extended_filename += '&writegeom=false'
image_description='{calibration_type} calibrated orthorectified Sentinel-{flying_unit_code_short} IW GRD',
pixel_type=cfg_pixel_type(cfg, 'tiled'),
def _get_input_image(self, meta: Meta) -> str:
return in_filename(meta) # meta['in_filename']
class _ConcatenatorFactory(OTBStepFactory):
Abstract factory that prepares steps that run
:external:doc:`Applications/app_Synthetize` as described in
:ref:`Concatenation` documentation.
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- input filename
- output filename
def __init__(
cfg : Configuration,
extended_filename: Optional[str],
pixel_type : Optional[int],
*args, **kwargs,
) -> None:
super().__init__( # type: ignore # mypy issue 4335
*args, **kwargs
def complete_meta(self, meta: Meta, all_inputs: InputList) -> Meta:
Precompute output basename from the input file(s).
In concatenation case, the task_name needs to be overridden to stay
unique and common to all inputs.
Also, inject files to remove
meta = super().complete_meta(meta, all_inputs) # Needs a valid basename
# logger.debug("Concatenate.complete_meta(%s) /// task_name: %s /// out_file: %s", meta, meta['task_name'], out_file)
in_file = in_filename(meta)
if isinstance(in_file, list):
logger.debug('Register files to remove after concatenation: %s', in_file)
meta['files_to_remove'] = in_file
logger.debug('DONT register single file to remove after concatenation: %s', in_file)
return meta
def update_image_metadata(self, meta: Meta, all_inputs: InputList) -> None:
Set concatenation related information that'll get carried around.
super().update_image_metadata(meta, all_inputs)
assert 'image_metadata' in meta
imd = meta['image_metadata']
inp = self._get_canonical_input(all_inputs) # input_metas in FirstStep, MergeStep
assert isinstance(inp, (FirstStep, MergeStep))
if len(inp.input_metas) >= 2:
product_names = sorted([manifest_to_product_name(m['manifest']) for m in inp.input_metas])
imd['INPUT_S1_IMAGES'] = ', '.join(product_names)
acq_time = Utils.extract_product_start_time(os.path.basename(product_names[0]))
imd['ACQUISITION_DATETIME'] = '{YYYY}:{MM}:{DD}T{hh}:{mm}:{ss}Z'.format_map(acq_time) if acq_time else '????'
for idx, pn in enumerate(product_names, start=1):
acq_time = Utils.extract_product_start_time(os.path.basename(pn))
imd[f'ACQUISITION_DATETIME_{idx}'] = '{YYYY}:{MM}:{DD}T{hh}:{mm}:{ss}Z'.format_map(acq_time) if acq_time else '????'
imd['INPUT_S1_IMAGES'] = manifest_to_product_name(meta['manifest'])
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with :external:doc:`Synthetize OTB
application <Applications/app_Synthetize>`.
return {
'ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : in_filename(meta),
# self.param_out : out_filename(meta),
def create_step(
execution_parameters: Dict,
previous_steps: List[InputList]
) -> AbstractStep:
:func:`create_step` is overridden in :class:`Concatenate` case in
order to by-pass Concatenation in case there is only a single file.
inputs = self._get_inputs(previous_steps)
inp = self._get_canonical_input(inputs)
# logger.debug('CONCAT::create_step(%s) -> %s', inp.out_filename, len(inp.out_filename))
if isinstance(inp.out_filename, list) and len(inp.out_filename) == 1:
# This situation should not happen any more, we now a single string as inp.
# The code is kept in case s1tiling kernel changes again.
concat_in_filename = inp.out_filename[0]
elif isinstance(inp.out_filename, str):
concat_in_filename = inp.out_filename
return super().create_step(execution_parameters, previous_steps)
# Back to a single file inp case
logger.debug('By-passing concatenation of %s as there is only a single orthorectified tile to concatenate.', concat_in_filename)
meta = self.complete_meta(inp.meta, inputs)
dryrun = is_running_dry(execution_parameters)
res = AbstractStep(**meta)
logger.debug('Renaming %s into %s', concat_in_filename, res.out_filename)
if not dryrun:
shutil.move(concat_in_filename, res.out_filename)
return res
class Concatenate(_ConcatenatorFactory):
Abstract factory that prepares steps that run
:external:doc:`Applications/app_Synthetize` as described in
:ref:`Concatenation` documentation.
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- input filename
- output filename
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
# TODO: factorise this recurring test!
calibration_is_done_in_S1 = cfg.calibration_type in ['sigma', 'beta', 'gamma', 'dn']
if calibration_is_done_in_S1:
# This is a required product that shall end-up in outputdir
gen_output_dir = dname_fmt_tiled(cfg)
# This is a temporary product that shall end-up in tmpdir
gen_output_dir = None # use gen_tmp_dir
fname_fmt = fname_fmt_concatenation(cfg)
# logger.debug('but ultimatelly fname_fmt is "%s" --> %s', fname_fmt, cfg.fname_fmt)
self.__tname_fmt = fname_fmt.replace('{acquisition_stamp}', '{acquisition_day}')
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S2', '{tile_name}'),
image_description='{calibration_type} calibrated orthorectified Sentinel-{flying_unit_code_short} IW GRD',
pixel_type=cfg_pixel_type(cfg, 'tiled'),
def update_out_filename(self, meta: Meta, with_task_info: TaskInputInfo) -> None: # pylint: disable=unused-argument
This hook will be triggered everytime a new compatible input is added.
The effect is quite unique to :class:`Concatenate` as the name of the
output product depends on the number of inputs are their common
acquisition date.
# logger.debug('UPDATING %s from %s', meta['task_name'], meta)
was = meta['out_filename']
meta['acquisition_stamp'] = meta['acquisition_day']
meta['out_filename'] = self.build_step_output_filename(meta)
meta['out_tmp_filename'] = self.build_step_output_tmp_filename(meta)
meta['basename'] = self._get_nominal_output_basename(meta)
logger.debug("concatenation.out_tmp_filename for %s updated to %s (previously: %s)", meta['task_name'], meta['out_filename'], was)
# Remove acquisition_time that no longer makes sense
meta.pop('acquisition_time', None)
def _update_filename_meta_post_hook(self, meta: Meta) -> None:
Make sure the task_name and the basename are updated
meta['task_name'] = os.path.join(
TemplateOutputFilenameGenerator(self.__tname_fmt).generate(meta['basename'], meta))
meta['basename'] = self._get_nominal_output_basename(meta)
meta['update_out_filename'] = self.update_out_filename
in_file = out_filename(meta)
if not isinstance(in_file, list):
def check_product(meta: Meta):
task_name = get_task_name(meta)
filename = out_filename(meta)
exist_task_name = os.path.isfile(task_name)
exist_file_name = os.path.isfile(filename)
logger.debug('Checking concatenation product:\n- %s => %s (task)\n- %s => %s (file)',
task_name, '∃' if exist_task_name else '∅',
filename, '∃' if exist_file_name else '∅')
return exist_task_name or exist_file_name
meta['does_product_exist'] = lambda : check_product(meta)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Mask related applications
class BuildBorderMask(OTBStepFactory):
Factory that prepares the first step that generates border maks as
described in :ref:`Border mask generation` documentation.
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- input filename
- output filename
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
appname='BandMath', name='BuildBorderMask', param_in='il', param_out='out',
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S2', '{tile_name}'),
gen_output_dir=None, # Use gen_tmp_dir
gen_output_filename=ReplaceOutputFilenameGenerator(['.tif', '_BorderMask_TMP.tif']),
pixel_type=cfg_pixel_type(cfg, 'mask', 'uint8'),
image_description='Orthorectified Sentinel-{flying_unit_code_short} IW GRD border mask S2 tile',
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with :external:doc:`BandMath OTB application
<Applications/app_BandMath>` for computing border mask.
params : OTBParameters = {
'ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : [in_filename(meta)],
# self.param_out : out_filename(meta),
'exp' : 'im1b1==0?0:1'
# logger.debug('%s(%s)', self.appname, params)
return params
class SmoothBorderMask(OTBStepFactory):
Factory that prepares the first step that smoothes border maks as
described in :ref:`Border mask generation` documentation.
Requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
Requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- input filename
- output filename
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
dname_fmt = dname_fmt_mask(cfg)
appname='BinaryMorphologicalOperation', name='SmoothBorderMask',
param_in='in', param_out='out',
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S2', '{tile_name}'),
gen_output_filename=ReplaceOutputFilenameGenerator(['.tif', '_BorderMask.tif']),
pixel_type=cfg_pixel_type(cfg, 'mask', 'uint8'),
image_description='Orthorectified Sentinel-{flying_unit_code_short} IW GRD smoothed border mask S2 tile',
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with
:external:doc:`BinaryMorphologicalOperation OTB application
<Applications/app_BinaryMorphologicalOperation>` to smooth border
return {
'ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : in_filename(meta),
# self.param_out : out_filename(meta),
'structype' : 'ball',
'xradius' : 5,
'yradius' : 5 ,
'filter' : 'opening'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Despeckling related applications
class SpatialDespeckle(OTBStepFactory):
Factory that prepares the first step that smoothes border maks as
described in :ref:`Spatial despeckle filtering <spatial-despeckle>`
It requires the following information from the configuration object:
- `ram_per_process`
- `fname_fmt_filtered`
- `dname_fmt_filtered`
- `filter`: the name of the filter method
- `rad`: the filter windows radius
- `nblooks`: the number of looks
- `deramp`: the deramp factor
It requires the following information from the metadata dictionary
- input filename
- output filename
- the keys used to generate the filename: `flying_unit_code`, `tile_name`,
`orbit_direction`, `orbit`, `calibration_type`, `acquisition_stamp`,
# TODO: (#118) This Step doesn't support yet in-memory chaining after Concatenation.
# Indeed: Concatenation is a non trival step that:
# - recognizes 2 compatibles inputs and changes the output filename in consequence
# - rename orthorectification output when there is only one input.
# To be chained in-memory SpatialDespeckle would need to:
# - recognize 2 compatibles inputs and change the output filename in consequence
# - start from the renamed file (instead of expecting to be chained in-memory) when there is only one input.
def __init__(self, cfg: Configuration) -> None:
fname_fmt = fname_fmt_filtered(cfg)
dname_fmt = dname_fmt_filtered(cfg)
appname='Despeckle', name='Despeckle',
param_in='in', param_out='out',
gen_tmp_dir=os.path.join(cfg.tmpdir, 'S2', '{tile_name}'),
image_description='Orthorectified and despeckled Sentinel-{flying_unit_code_short} IW GRD S2 tile',
pixel_type=cfg_pixel_type(cfg, 'filtered'),
self.__filter = cfg.filter
self.__rad = cfg.filter_options.get('rad', 0)
self.__nblooks = cfg.filter_options.get('nblooks', 0)
self.__deramp = cfg.filter_options.get('deramp', 0)
assert self.__rad
# filter in list => nblooks != 0 ~~~> filter not in list OR nblooks != 0
assert (self.__filter not in ['lee', 'gammamap', 'kuan']) or (self.__nblooks != 0) \
, f'Unexpected nblooks value ({self.__nblooks} for {self.__filter} despeckle filter'
# filter in list => deramp != 0 ~~~> filter not in list OR deramp != 0
assert (self.__filter not in ['frost']) or (self.__deramp != 0.) \
, f'Unexpected deramp value ({self.__deramp} for {self.__filter} despeckle filter'
assert (self.__nblooks != 0.) != (self.__deramp != 0.)
def _update_filename_meta_post_hook(self, meta: Meta) -> None:
Register ``accept_as_compatible_input`` hook for
It will tell in the case Despeckle is chained in memory after
ApplyLIACalibration whether a given sin_LIA input is compatible with
the current S2 tile.
# TODO find a better way to reuse the hook from the previous step in case it's chained in memory!
meta['accept_as_compatible_input'] = lambda input_meta : does_sin_lia_match_s2_tile_for_orbit(meta, input_meta)
def parameters(self, meta: Meta) -> OTBParameters:
Returns the parameters to use with
:external:doc:`Despeckle OTB application
<Applications/app_Despeckle>` to perform speckle noise reduction.
assert self.__rad
params = {
'ram' : ram(self.ram_per_process),
self.param_in : in_filename(meta),
# self.param_out : out_filename(meta),
'filter' : self.__filter,
f'filter.{self.__filter}.rad' : self.__rad,
if self.__nblooks:
params[f'filter.{self.__filter}.nblooks'] = self.__nblooks
if self.__deramp:
params[f'filter.{self.__filter}.deramp'] = self.__deramp
return params