################################################################################################ # Chain ################################################################################################ [Paths] # Path for result tiled images output : /datalocal2/share2/Asia/data_out # Path for result Local Incidence Maps # default: {output}/_LIA lia : /datalocal2/share2/Asia/data_lia # Path to store the S1 images to be processed s1_images : /datalocal2/share2/Asia/data_out_wen/raw # Path to SRTM/DEM files dem_dir : /datalocal/share/SRTM # DEM (GPKG) database. Associates identifier keys to DEM tile geometry. # Default for SRTM30m: ./shapefile/srtm_tiles.gpkg # dem_database : ./shapefile/srtm_tiles.gpkg # Pattern to find DEM files (relative to "dem_dir") from the identifier key # extracted from the DEM database. # Default for SRTM30m: {id}.hgt # dem_format : {id}.hgt # Path to geoid model # geoid_file : ./Geoid/egm96.grd # Path to a temporary file tmp : /datalocal2/share2/tmp # tmp : %(TMPDIR)s/s1tiling [DataSource] # Designates where the EODAG configuration file is expected to be found if not # in %(HOME)s/.config/eodag/eodag.yml # From S1Tiling point of view, EODAG configuration file will list the # authentification credentials for the know providers and their respective # priorities. # See https://eodag.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html#how-to-configure-authentication-for-available-providers # eodag_config : %(HOME)s/.config/eodag/eodag.yml # If True, activates the downloading from specified data provider for the ROI, otherwise only local S1 images will be processed. download : False # Download and unzipping are executed in parallel. Tells how many processes # shall be used nb_parallel_downloads : 2 # The Region of Interest (ROI) for downloading is specified in roi_by_tiles # which will contain a list of MGRS tiles. If ALL is specified, the software # will download all images needed for the processing (see [Processing] section) # ex: roi_by_tiles : 33NWB roi_by_tiles : ALL # Define the S1 platform that provide the products to process. # Must be: empty, or a comma-separated list of platform names like "S1A, # S1C"... platform_list : # Define the polarisation mode of the products to downloads # Must be "HH-HV", "VV-VH", "VV", "VH", "HV", or "HH" polarisation : VV-VH # Download only the products acquired in ASCending or in DEScending order. # By default (when left unspecified), no filter is applied. # Warnings: # - this filter only applies to download, and not to products already # downloaded. # - each relative orbit is exclusive to one orbit direction, orbit_direction # and relative_orbit_list shall be considered as exclusive # orbit_direction : DES # Download only the products from the specified relative orbits. # By default (when left unspecified), no filter is applied. # Warnings: # - this filter only applies to download, and not to products already # downloaded. # - each relative orbit is exclusive to one orbit direction, orbit_direction # and relative_orbit_list shall be considered as exclusive # relative_orbit_list = 80, 161 # Percentage of tile area to be covered for a pair of Sentinel-1 products to be # retained. # tile_to_product_overlap_ratio : 50 # Please, set the initial and final date (YYYY-MM-DD format) in this line # Don't touch the other parameters first_date : 2018-08-01 last_date : 2019-07-31 [Mask] # This option allows you to choose if you want to generate border mask. generate_border_mask: False [Processing] # Tells whether DEM files are copied in a temporary directory, or if symbolic # links are to be created. # For performance reasons with OTB 7.X, it's better to regroup the minimal # subset of the DEM files required for processing. Symbolic links work fine # most of the time, however if the files are on a remote shared filesystem # (GPFS, NAS...), performances will be degraded. In those cases, it's better to # copy the required DEM files on a local filesystem. # Two values are supported for this option: "copy" and "symlink" (default). cache_dem_by: symlink # Define the type of calibration: gamma, or sigma or normlim calibration: sigma # Remove thermal noise remove_thermal_noise: True # Noise removal may set some pixel values to 0. # However, 0, is currently reserved by S1Tiling chain as a "nodata" value # introduced by Margin Cutting and Orthorectification. # The following parameter defines which value to use instead of 0 when noise # is removed. # By default: 1e-7 will be used. lower_signal_value : 1e-7 # Pixel Size (in meters) of the output images output_spatial_resolution : 10. # Path and filename of the tile shape definition (ESRI Shapefile) # tiles_shapefile : ./shapefile/Features.shp # Grid spacing for the interpolator in the orthorectification process # for more information, please consult the OTB orthorectification application # A nice value is 4x output_spatial_resolution orthorectification_gridspacing : 40 # Interpolation method used in the orthorectification process # for more information, please consult the OTB orthorectification application # Default value is set to nearest neighbor interpolation (nn) to keep compatibilty with previous results # By the way linear method could be more interesting. # Note that the bco method is not currently supported orthorectification_interpolation_method : nn # Tiles to be processed # The tiles can be given as a list # - tiles: list of tiles (comma separated) # ex: tiles: 33NWB,33NWC # - tiles_list_in_file: tile list in a ASCII file # ex: tiles_list_in_file : ~/MyListOfTiles.txt tiles : 33NWB # Running mode: # Normal: print normal, warning and errors on screen # debug: also print debug messages # logging: save logs to files mode : debug logging # Number of processes to be running in parallel # This number defines the number of S1 images to be processed in parallel. # Must be <= to the number of cores on the machine nb_parallel_processes : 2 # RAM Allower per process in MB ram_per_process : 4096 # Numbers of threads used by each OTB application # For an optimal performance, nb_parallel_processes*nb_otb_threads should be <= to the number of core on the machine nb_otb_threads: 4 # Tell to generate the LIA map in degrees (x100) when the LAI sine map is # generated. # This option is ignored when no LIA sine map is produced. # (The LIA sine map is produced by S1LIAMap program, or when calibration mode # is "normlim") produce_lia_map : False # Resampling method used by gdalwarp to project DEM on S2 tiles for LIA computation purposes # Valid choices are: near, bilinear, cubic, cubicspline, lanczos, average, rms, # mode, max, min, med, q1, q3, qum # dem_warp_resampling_method = cubic # Options to control the names of the result files. # Advice: don't change the names of the intermediary products. Act only on the # final products. # # * Intermediary products # fname_fmt.calibration : {rootname}_{calibration_type}_calOk.tiff # fname_fmt.cut_borders : {rootname}_{calibration_type}_OrthoReady.tiff # fname_fmt.correct_denoising : {rootname}_{calibration_type}_NoiseFixed.tiff # fname_fmt.orthorectification : {flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{polarisation}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_time}_{calibration_type}.tif # fname_fmt.dem_s2_agglomeration : DEM_{tile_name}.vrt # fname_fmt.dem_on_s2 : DEM_projected_on_{tile_name}.tiff # fname_fmt.height_on_s2 : DEM+GEOID_projected_on_{tile_name}.tiff # fname_fmt.ground_and_sat_s2 : XYZ_projected_on_{tile_name}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}.tiff # # * Deprecated products # fname_fmt.dem_s1_agglomeration : DEM_{polarless_rootname}.vrt # fname_fmt.s1_on_dem : S1_on_DEM_{polarless_basename} # fname_fmt.xyz : XYZ_{polarless_basename} # fname_fmt.lia_orthorectification : {LIA_kind}_{flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_time}.tif # fname_fmt.lia_concatenation : {LIA_kind}_{flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_day}.tif # fname_fmt.s1_lia : LIA_{polarless_basename} # fname_fmt.s1_sin_lia : sin_LIA_{polarless_basename} # # * Final products # - Output directories # dname_fmt.tiled : '{out_dir}/{tile_name}' # dname_fmt.mask : '{out_dir}/{tile_name}' # dname_fmt.filtered : '{out_dir}/filtered/{tile_name}' # dname_fmt.lia_product : '{lia_dir}' # # TODO: add masks # - Concatenation value for all calibrations but normlim # fname_fmt.concatenation : {flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{polarisation}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_stamp}.tif # fname_fmt.filtered : {flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{polarisation}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_stamp}_filtered.tif # # - Concatenation value for normlim calibration # fname_fmt.lia_product : {LIA_kind}_{flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}.tif # fname_fmt.concatenation : {flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{polarisation}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_stamp}_{calibration_type}.tif # fname_fmt.s2_lia_corrected : {flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{polarisation}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_stamp}_NormLim.tif # fname_fmt.filtered : {flying_unit_code}_{tile_name}_{polarisation}_{orbit_direction}_{orbit}_{acquisition_stamp}_{calibration_type}_filtered.tif # # [Filtering] # Speckle filtering method: none/Lee/Frost/Gammamap/Kuan filter : # Set the window radius for the spatial filtering # Take care that it is a radius, i.e. radius=1 means the filter does an 3x3 pixels averaging. window_radius : 2 # Deramp factor, for Frost filter only deramp : 0.1 # Number of looks, for all but Frost => Lee, Gammamap and Kuan nblooks: 1.0 # If not caring for non filtered product (and if filter method is specified), # then the orthorectified and concatenated products won't be considered as # mandatory and they will not be kept at the end of the processing. # This (exclusion) feature cannot be used alongside generate_border_mask # (i.e. keep_non_filtered_products cannot be False if generate_border_mask # is True) # Note: It's only supported after LIA calibration as of V1.0 of S1Tiling. # See Issue #118. keep_non_filtered_products : True # # If True, the outcore of the multiImage filter is reset before filtering. It means that the outcore is recomputed from scratch with the new images only. # # If False, the outcore is updated with the new images. Then, the outcore integrates previous images and new images. # reset_outcore : True